After installation your application comes with an example on how to use custom taxonomies. The custom taxonomy actor is registered and can be accessed at #/actors


To make it easy to overwrite almost anything, custom potaxonomiessts are split into two different entities:

Taxonomy list


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ListPage } from '../../src/pages/list/list';

    selector: 'page-actors-list',
    templateUrl: '../../src/pages/list/list.html'
export class ListActorsPage extends ListPage {
    type: string = 'actor';

Posts filtered by Taxonomy


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ListPage } from '../../src/pages/list/list';

    selector: 'page-actor-list',
    templateUrl: '../../src/pages/list/list.html'
export class ListActorPage extends ListPage {
    type: string = 'movie';

    getQuery() {
        let query = super.getQuery(); = parseInt(this.navParams.get('id'));
        return query;

Register new Taxonomies

Same as in custom posts all you need to do is copy config/pages/list-actor.ts and config/pages/list-actors.ts, replacing movie and actor by your own taxonomy and custom post type then register the new files under config/pages/index.ts

results matching ""

    No results matching ""